I sip on my hot chocolate. Thomas is roaming in his bedroom. I follow him intently from his bed. "I'm getting nervous of you, Thomas." I say. "I just try to understand why you don’t want to go to the police and stuff." He says. "I-I just can’t, after all he did to me I still care about him. And I don’t want someone that because of me is arrested." And I start to sob. Thomas stops pacing and sits down beside me on the bed. He puts his arms around me. "I don’t want you to be sad." He says. "I just trying to understand." "I'm afraid of him. If I specify for I fear that he learns something and calling at me. He follows me everywhere and always comes when I'm alone." I say. "Don’t be afraid of him, that is just what he wants. Because if you're afraid you're weak and he can be persuaded to return with him, and  you don’t want that, isn’t it?" He asks. "No! absolutely not." I say. "Just try as much as possible close to people. Make sure you are never alone." He says. "Who should I be? Caroline and Sophie find that I must make good with Gregory." I say. Thomas takes my face between his two hands, he bows his head to me, "With me." He says and kisses me.

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