Vandaag is het natuurlijk 31 december 2012 en dat betekent dat over precies 10 uur en 25 minuten het 2013 is! En misschien ben je wel heel blij dat het jaar eindelijk voorbij is, of misschien wel helemaal niet. Maar ik dacht we blikken even terug op 2012!
Sorry dat ik de laatste tijd niet zo vaak post maar ik ben echt totaal verslaafd aan The O.C.! Maar ik had vanmiddag toch nog wat tijd over om Chalet Girl te kijken, die ik voor een vriendin heb gekocht maar waar ik zelf toch ook wel nieuwsgierig naar was!
Volgend jaar ben ik van plan om wat meer flirterig en gedurfder te kleden! En wat is jou (kleding)voornemen voor volgend jaar? En welk liedje past daar bij?
PS. Hier is het liedje wat ook bij de collage staat:
Het is weer December dus het is weer slecht weer en gelukkig ook vakantie. En wat is de beste tijdsbesteding? Films kijken! Lees verder voor een lijst met Kerst films!
Misschien ken je Lucy van Pretty Little Liars, misschien wel van Scream 4, misschien ken je haar wel gewoon helemaal niet! De 23-jarige actrice is als sinds 2003 op tv te zien bij American Juniors (De Amerikaanse kinder versie van Idols). Ze werd pas echt bekend door haar rol van Aria in de serie Pretty Little Liars sinds 2010 die nu al 4 seizoenen heeft. Maar voor niet zulke soapies als mij heeft ze ook gespeeld in Scream 4 waar ze de rol Sherrie vertolkt (sorry deze film heb ik niet gezien dus ik weet er niet veel van). Maar voor mij is ze vooral een stijl-icoon! Dus hier haar looks op een rijtje:
I have decided I'm going to write my posts from now on in Dutch. It is a "big" decision, and I have thought about it for more than 1 month. But I think it's better for my blog, and easier for me 'cause know I don't make stupid spelling errors (I probably make them still but less).
If you can't read Dutch you can use a translator. On the right bar you can find a translator, if this one doesn't work of doesn't have your language you can search on Google for a translator :)
It's almost Christmas (16 days) and I love it a lot. But I have to say I don't like the snow very much only on the Christmas days self. I have to ride an hour to my school (on bicycle) and I can tell you snow is not what you want. But here some tips to get in the Christmas Feeling!
Maybe you know (maybe you don't) I'm a film-freak, and I've watched today Pitch Perfect. A film where the story is not really original but still fun. Here everything about the movie and more and more :)
Like I told you earlier it's Sinterklaas in Holland. And tonight (yeah tonight) it's packet evening (literaly translated, pakjesavond in the Netherlands). And I've got some presents to:
I told you a few weeks ago about a friendbook I made for my best friend and she for me. My friendbook is already fild in en I got it back and know I got hers :). And I'm filling it in en then gave it back to her. Here a photo of her (beautiful) friendbook (no not inside, 'cause that's private).
Maybe you know that Justin Bieber performed on the Victoria Secret Show. And now the Victoria's Secret Angels have made a lip-synch op Beauty and A Beat on Justin Biebers (& Nicki Minajs) Beauty & A Beat. Watch here the video:
(And one of these Victoria's Secret Angels is Dutch, Doutzen Kroes!)
Asyou might know, last Friday it was my birthday.Andfor mybirthday money(anda giftcard from one ofmy best friends)IboughtFame byLady Gaga!Andno notbecauseLadyGagais famousthat I thoughtofohcool,no Ireallyboughtitbecause itsmellsjust Brilliant.AndI got abodylotion to (whois also blacklikethe perfume).
Maybe you know the program The Voice of... (fill in your country). It cames from Holland if you didn't already know that. But that's not the reason I talk about it now. Sandra van Nieuwland is the reason why...
Inmylittle countrywe celebrateevery yearon 5 DecemberSinterklaas. He is (a sacred) from Spain and onDecember 5th it's his "birthday" andtheneveryonegetsgifts.
We know it all, the army. Where people fight for us and their country. There are the proud of our country's. But if you ask to some people: "Who wants to go in the army?" then there are just of few maybe nobody who wants that. Why? I have thought about going by the army but Í'm still thinking...
Haha, sorry I'am just excited that it's my birthday. And now I'm 16 Yeah!! Hahaha. And tonight I have a sleepover with my best friends and we're going to bake cupcakes!! O, God I love Cupcakes! Hihi. Alright I shut up and now here is some nice (Birthday) pictures that I find online:
Today it's FriendshipDay, not official or something, but I think you have to present your bestfriend today with something special. It doesn't have to be a thing, a hug is enough just let her/him know that you care!
It was last Wednesday (31th of October, 2012) Halloween. What have you wear? Or have you done nothing about? I found today on Lookbook a contest with all kinds of costumes. And there are so cool! So I show you...
A big inspiration for decorating is the Ikea catalog, and now (a few weeks already) is there a new one. And I'm gonna show you some picture from the catalog.
One Direction - Live While We're Young (Now 59.753.100 views, online since 9-20-2012)
Justin Bieber Ft. Nicki Minaj - Beauty And A Beat (Now 24.926.829 views, online since 10-12-2012)
Justin Bieber beated One Direction but for who are you? Justin or the guys from One Direction?
Or none of them and like you for example:
PSY - Gangnam Style (Now 475.596.691 views, online since 7-15-2012)
Now comes my math above water:
1D = 27 days online --> 59753100/27 = 2.213.077,778 --> 2.213.078 views a day
Justin Bieber = 4 days online --> 24926829/4 = 6.231.707,25 --> 6.231.707 views a day
PSY = 94 days online --> 475596691/94 = 5.059.539,266 --> 5.059.539 views a day