On Budget
I want to save some money so I pay extra attention to my spendings. And I have some tips for you that helped me so maybe they help you to.
A. Are you a magazine addict (Like me?) then I have a good replacement for you: store magazines. They're free and have almost the same thing as real magazines. You can take them by the store in real life or order them online.
B. Give no unnecessary amounts anymore. As for me, I gave 10 euros a month on internet but I didn't use all = waste of money, now I just use wifi at home and that makes me 120 euros a year! So what don't you need necessary?
C. Selling old stuff. By this you can earn much money. You earn money the other gets something he/she wants. win-win situation.
D. Are you good in making for example fake roses (?), Then you can sell them. Prefer not to people you know (which is harder to get a good price to ask) you can do this online. For example on Etsy.
E. Save money on expensive outings with friends to replace such a cozy movie night at home. At home it is always enjoyable because no unknown people look weird at you if you go laugh really loudly or something. Ask if everyone bring some food (saves you too) and that makes it a surprise to anyone exactly what is going to happen.

F. Take a job. Always works, deserves okay. And if all your wages together on matters you probably have a very nice amount of money you can do something fun with it.
G. If you have money to repay someone do it right away, even if you have no money left over for that cute pair of shoes. You would surely not like it when people money until weeks later back? And if you don't quickly give lend them the less quickly to you if you need money again.
H. Pay only things you have used. Are you for example with a friend for a drink and she has a very expensive drink, not the taking part by two but only pay for your own drinks. It sounds very selfish but would you pay for something you have inherited nothing? No, I thought so.
and if you follow all these tips then ;-):

Good Luck!
Sources: Weheartit
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